Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch

As millions have already seen in his You Tube video, Randy Pausch does an incredible job of inspiring people to live a life of integrity and passion. Since he was dying from cancer at the time he gave his Last Lecture at Carnegie Mellon and when writing the book, his words carry a weight that we may not give to others. I read this book first and then went to watch his video on You Tube.

It's hard to say what this book does without sounding all cliche. I'm challenged to think about whether I'm living the life I dreamed. I certainly have always felt I should never get to the end of my life and have regrets. And I feel I've done a pretty good job of that. My life feels pretty good - I'm happy with the choices I've made and the options I've chosen. But for me, I'm challenged to think about things that I'm doing that are getting in the way of living my dreams. Quite honestly, I'm not sure I could tell you what are my dreams. There are things I'd like to do with my life that I haven't started yet. I'm not sure what they are, but this book and his video challenge me to start dreaming big and see what I can do.

Recommendation: Yes. Read this book. A profound look at the simple rules that make living a pleasure.

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